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dimarts, 6 de setembre del 2011

Cut&Paste 2011

Cut&Paste International Digital Design Competition 2011: Call for Competitors

Adobe and Cut&Paste announced the call for competitors for the Cut&Paste signature event, the Digital Design Tournament. This "Iron Chef" for design tour is held live in 12 cities worldwide.

Cut&Paste is a social arena for showcasing design talent and creating opportunities for designers - a global movement of artists, firms and media working to strengthen creative networks through events and local support.

The "design as spectator sport" approach that it brings to 2D, 3D and motion/animation competitions will be showcased live on stage in 12 design capitals - Beijing, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Seoul.

Cut&Paste's sponsor Adobe's Senior Worldwide Design Evangelist Rufus Deuchler has outlined a number of key techniques that will give competitors an edge in the competition. Available at adobe.com/go/cutandpaste, Rufus' video tips focus on how to create spectacular designs quickly and efficiently in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, which is crucial for competitors working under the extremely tight deadlines the tournament imposes.

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