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dimarts, 27 de setembre del 2011

Red Dot Award: Product Design 2012

Red Dot Award: Product Design 2012

Red Dot Award: Product Design 2012 registration will open October 26, honoring the best, most outstanding and trend-setting product designs.

With its more than 50 years of history, red dot award is one of the most important international product competitions. Last year's 4,433 participations from more than 60 nations testify to the competition's international impact and reach.

An international jury of renowned design experts decides upon who is going to be honoured with the sought-after "red dot," the seal of quality for outstanding design, in one out of 19 different categories: during a several days lasting evaluation process, the jury examines every single work with expert eyes. Following strict criteria, such as the level of innovativeness, functionality or ecological aspects, the jury chooses who ranks among the best and deserves a red dot for its outstanding design.

Early Bird December 12, 2011
Regular January 20, 2012
Latecomers February 3, 2012

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