
Animagràfica és un estudi independent dedicat al disseny gràfic, la imatge corporativa, el disseny editorial, el packaging, la direcció d'art i el desenvolupament web.

dijous, 22 de setembre del 2011

AGI Open 2011 Barcelona

Barcelona is gearing up to be inspired by all genres of graphic design and an abundance of creativity this coming Autumn. Under the theme ‘What. How. Why.’, the star packed line-up of speakers is set to stimulate conversation and trigger new subjects of debate this year. Boost your creativity, gain new insights, motivation, perspectives and knowledge — all in one place.

AGI Open is the public and educational face of Alliance Graphique Internationale. Once a year AGI opens its doors, offering a glimpse into the minds of some of the most influential designers worldwide. The purpose of the Conference is to educate and inspire students and professionals through presentations and an open exchange of ideas between AGI speakers and their audience.

Alliance Graphique Internationale unites the world’s leading graphic designers and artists in a professional club of common interest and achievement. Its members have been collectively responsible for the identity design of most of the world’s top corporations and institutions as well as for countless examples of globally known packaging, publications, illustration, posters, type design and motion graphics.


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